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TMJ Pain Masterclass

  • 12 Steps


This program is a full-package video program that consists of multiple procedures across 15+ videos in two, 6-week phases, for assisting in managing severe TMJ/D symptoms. It is meant for people who have dealt with TMJ pain and symptoms for longer than 3 months and have not found any relief. It has everything you need to follow along at your own pace and in your own home. **DISCLAIMER: This is YOUR wellness mission. Are you motivated and committed to changing your life for the better and getting it back from TMJ? Who is this FOR: This course is for people who have had TMJ for over 3 months and have bad symptoms. This is for people who are ready for the challenge and are looking for a full-body program to provide long-standing relief of TMJ. This is to get you life back if you have had TMJ pain with no relief! (If you are undergoing braces or orthotics for TMJ/D this is an awesome program for you!) Who is this NOT FOR: People who have severe undiagnosed facial or head pain. People who are not healthy enough to handle light exercise. People with severely high blood pressure. As with all exercise programs, you should consult your physician before beginning this program. ⬇️⬇️Attention: WE DO NOT HAVE A FUNCTIONING MOBILE APP YET: Hopefully will develop one soon! We apologize for the confusion. ⬇️⬇️

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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