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Breathe Easy: The Surprising Benefits of Nasal Breathing Strips for TMJ Relief 🤔


By Foto: Sven Teschke, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,

Living with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can be challenging, affecting everything from daily activities to overall well-being. While various treatment options exist such as splinting and physical therapy one unconventional yet effective method gaining popularity is the use of nasal breathing strips. Typically known for aiding in easier breathing during sleep, these strips can offer surprising benefits for those dealing with TMJ-related issues. 

Understanding TMJ Disorders:

Before delving into the benefits of nasal breathing strips, let's briefly explore TMJ disorder's connection to breathing. It is estimated that between 60-80% of people with TMJ disorders also have obstructive sleep apnea. The connection is not completely understood however we theorize that the restriction in breathing causes us to develop a forward head position to open our airway. This in turn causes pressure on the jaw by producing tension in the muscles that connect the jaw to the throat driving the jaw backward into the joint and the reflexive action is to clench the jaw. This happens more at night. Another possible theory is that restricted breathing causes us to breathe faster and hyperventilate. This hyperventilation chemically can put us in an acidic state which causes increased muscle tone (clenched muscle state). 

How Nasal Breathing Strips Work:

Nasal breathing strips are adhesive strips placed on the outside of the nose. Their primary purpose is to improve airflow by physically opening nasal passages. This allows better airway exchange.  While these strips are commonly associated with reducing snoring or alleviating nasal congestion during sleep, their impact on TMJ disorders might surprise you. 

Benefits of Nasal Breathing Strips for TMJ Relief: 

  1. Improved Breathing Patterns: Nasal breathing strips promote optimal airflow through the nasal passages. When nasal resistance is improved there is less collapsing of the central airway (Starling Resistor Law). This can result in a shift from mouth breathing to nasal breathing, reducing the strain on the jaw muscles and joints. 

  1. Reduced Jaw Clenching: Individuals with TMJ disorders often unconsciously clench their jaws, contributing to pain and discomfort. By enhancing nasal breathing, these strips can help minimize jaw clenching, offering relief to TMJ sufferers. 

  1. Enhanced Sleep Quality: Many individuals with TMJ disorders experience sleep disturbances. Nasal breathing strips can facilitate better breathing during sleep, potentially reducing symptoms like teeth grinding and promoting a more restful night's sleep. 

  1. Improved Posture: Proper breathing is linked to good posture. Nasal breathing encourages a more natural head and neck position, potentially alleviating tension in the jaw and promoting overall musculoskeletal health. 

  1. Non-Invasive Solution: Nasal breathing strips provide a non-invasive and drug-free alternative for TMJ relief. They are easy to use, widely available, and can be incorporated into daily routines with minimal effort and virtually no side effects. 


In the quest for TMJ relief, exploring unconventional yet effective solutions can be worthwhile. Nasal breathing strips offer a simple and accessible option for improving breathing patterns, reducing jaw clenching, and enhancing overall well-being. While individual experiences may vary, incorporating these strips into your daily routine may be a breath of fresh air on your journey to TMJ relief. As always, consulting with a healthcare professional for personalized advice is recommended. 

 **Have you tried nasal strips before? Comment about your experiences.

Spend time doing things you enjoy with people you love. 


Dr. Josh 


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