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Claudia's TMJ Story

Our first blog feature was submitted by Claudia. She opened up to us about her journey with TMJ and wanted to share with others who may have had a similar experience or can relate in other ways to her story.

This is Claudia’s TMJ Story:

I've always had a bit of jaw issues- clicking mostly- but my true TMJ journey started in 2020 when my jaw was stuck WIDE OPEN for about 2.5 hours in the middle of the night. It was the first time this had ever happened (and hopefully the last time) and I was terrified. I was visiting a new city at that time, and it was about 2am so I didn't know what to do. I tried massaging it, taking a hot shower, but it wouldn't close. I finally caved and took an Uber to the nearest ER. The doctor put my jaw back into place and the entire next day was miserable. My neck, face, and head were in so much pain and my life has literally never been the same since. I now use a nightguard religiously and also visit a chiropractor regularly. I do my best to practice TMJ stretches/exercises daily that I've learned on the internet, but it is definitely a huge pain point in my life every single day. I am constantly clenching, awake or asleep, and I believe it is because my body is overcompensating from that incident that took place in 2020. I've spent money on different pillows as well. Nothing seems to work miracles. I've considered Botox injections so that my masseter cannot be so tense all day every day, but that terrifies me as well. I love following TreatMyTMJ on TikTok for the little pointers Dr. Josh gives! I hope to one day not have this chronic issue.

Dr. Josh’s Response:

Thank you so much for sharing your story about battling with TMJ disorder. Jaw locked open is a terrifying experience for anyone. You did everything right by self-treating with massage and hot shower and then eventually going to the ER.
Jaw locked open is very uncommon, even though I treat hundreds of patients with TMJ disorders per year in my career, I have only seen a handful of clients that have had a jaw lock open problem. Mostly this condition occurs in people with hypermobility. However, it can happen to anyone that opens their mouth too wide and one of the discs dislocates rearward, blocking the joint from closing again. I had a cousin that used to shove whole oranges in his mouth as a trick and he one time got it stuck and was in an absolute panic. My grandfather had to cut the orange out with a knife!! Afterward if his jaw was opened too wide it would temporarily lock open, it was unpleasant to say the least.
Everyone has a different journey with pain, and it is helpful to share for our own health and maybe the insight will help someone else.
Spend time doing things you love with people that make you feel good about yourself.

Dr. Josh

Who has had a similar experience?? Feel free to share in the comments what you thought about Claudia’s story and experiences.

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