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The Secret Formula🤫🤯

The Formula that I use for nearly all patients with TMJ joint disorders.

In our clinic, we see hundreds of clients a year with TMJ disorder. Though everyone is different in how it affects their life and the specific presentation, there are definite similarities. I love helping people feel better, so I consider myself to have one of the greatest jobs in the world (minus the paperwork. I hate dealing with insurance companies). However, our problem is we can only help one person at a time. We found there is very little access to good quality TMJ physical therapy outside of our small region of Pittsburgh. That is why we came up with our home-study TMJ program.

Like most things in life treating TMJ disorders seems complex at first but when you break it down into smaller parts it gets simpler. Not to say it is easy. Living with Jaw disorders is not easy. For the better part of 10 years, I have dedicated myself to perfecting the “formula” for this perplexing condition. The following is the outline that I recommend for most clients with TMJ. Big caveat: If you have a hypermobility disorder such as Ehlers-Danlos this will not be the same and we will save that for another day. Please comment if you would like information on TMJ with EDS.

First, we need to get the pain under control: (This is done primarily with 4 techniques)

1) Resting position of the jaw. “Tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your teeth as if you were saying the word “NNNooo” Deep diaphragm breathing through your nose. If you learn nothing from my ramblings this is the single most significant thing that I teach every single client that walks in with Jaw pain including those with EDS.

2) Breathing through the nose no matter what! You need to make a habit of nasal breathing.

3) Deep diaphragm breathing in through the nose and out through the nose. I tell people to breathe in 2-3 seconds, hold it for 2-3 sec and then exhale for 4-6 seconds. Deep diaphragm breathing stimulates the vagal nerve which causes a relaxation and pain relief effect. This brings the alarm system that is involved with pain.

4) Facial and jaw muscle release techniques. Our social media channels are loaded with these so please check them out below by clicking below.

Once pain is improved to moderate or mild levels, we begin to address the mobility of the neck, upper back, and jaw. This is a continuum, so it is not as if we stop addressing pain while we improve. This is done with soft tissue techniques such as smashing and self-massage and active release, and self-joint mobilizations to improve pain. (A large amount of these techniques are on our social media) We like to work on the mobility of your upper back and shoulders first. This can be as simple as leaning back over a chair with your arms behind your head. Think about any movement opposite of being hunched over your desk or phone.

Then we work on the upper neck mobility to normal. Can you tip your head evenly both ways? Can you retract your head fully, Can you duck your head down so your chin hits your chest and rotate your head fully both ways? After you have full available mobility, we start at around 6 weeks strengthening the jaw, the upper back, and the shoulders. This goes on for 6 more weeks and then you continue onward after that when needed to maintain your strength. Most people with TMJ symptoms when giving it their best effort see significant relief if not FULL RECOVERY with this program!! We have it outlined in our program with the specific corrective movements with full video instructions on how to perform the exercises.

⬇️⬇️⬇️ If you can envision a day when your Jaw is not a constant annoying factor in your life this program is for you. I know this will change your life. I see it every day in my clinic. Start the free trial today. CLICK HERE TO GET FREE-TRIAL TODAY. Spend time doing things you love with people that make you feel good about yourself. Dr. Josh

cover photo credit: Everett Collection

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16 de jun. de 2023
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Excellent info. Appreciate the breathing technique.

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