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What can I do as a daily routine to control my TMJ symptoms?

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can seem daunting at times however many cases are manageable with a good routine to change some of your bad habits like clenching and poor posture. Adopting a consistent daily routine can help manage symptoms and improve overall oral health. Here is a good daily routine for people with TMJ disorders:

  1. Start your day with a warm compress or warm shower: Use a warm, moist towel or a heating pad or shower to apply heat to your jaw muscles for about 10-15 minutes. This will help relax your jaw muscles and increase blood flow to the area.

  2. A gentle lymphatic self-massage for 5 minutes in the morning can be helpful to flush all the built-up inflammation waste products. Keep looking at our YouTube and TikTok page for a tutorial on this technique.

  3. Practice gentle jaw exercises: If you look up the fish exercise on our TikTok page, this is one of the best exercises you can perform. It's opening and closing your mouth slowly and gently 10mm (about 0.39 in) with your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

  4. Practice your diaphragm breathing in and out through your nose. 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes evening before bed concentrating only on your breathing. This technique is also great if you are feeling increased stress and tension.

  5. Take breaks from talking: If you have a job that requires a lot of talking, try to take breaks throughout the day to give your jaw muscles a rest.

  6. Avoid clenching your teeth: Try to be mindful of when you are clenching your teeth and consciously relax your jaw muscles. This is best done by placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth in the “no position” with your teeth a few millimeters apart.

  7. If you have a desk job stretch out every 15 minutes and get up from your desk every hour make sure to lean back and open up your chest to counter act all of the forward posture.

Keep sending your questions! Make sure you do something you love every week and spend quality with those you love! Sincerely, Dr. Josh.

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