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Why did we start TreatMyTMJ? Because treatment for TMJD sucks in most parts of the country!!!

This is not a surprise to many of you. I am NOT here to piss off professionals that have dedicated themselves to treating this disorder in an ethical and compassionate manner. The medical community has not done a good job with this misunderstood condition. However, there are some great pioneers out there. They deserve credit because they are risk takers that are making a difference for patients and the future of TMJ treatment. If you have a true specialist in your area, go see them! Scrounge up the cash and get it done.

Back to TreatMyTMJ. As a professional, whether it was treating athletes as an athletic trainer or treating the spine as a physical therapist I always had a calling toward people who were being forgotten by the medical community. Sometimes people just need someone to try and turn over the next stone for them because one never knows if the answer is just the next stone. Patients with TMJD definitely fit the bill.

My Beginning When I was contacted by a local dental TMJ specialist to consult for physical therapy for her more difficult cases I originally was intimidated. We took on clients first treating just the neck, posture, and thoracic spine because that was what I was comfortable with. Much to my surprise most of these patients responded very well. This began our unofficial start to developing TreatMyTMJ. The more clients we saw the more we realized the need. Some people were driving 9 hours and staying in town for treatment!!! As we researched and continued educating ourselves there was a common thread that became apparent with patients with TMJD. If patients did the proper home exercises they got better. If people addressed their breathing and changed some habits, they got better. If patients addressed the pain alarm system with some simple mind control techniques, they would get better. I am not discounting the manual treatment that we did in the clinic. I am a manual therapist, and we can do some amazing things with manipulation of the joints and soft tissue, but if clients repeatedly do the above, they can get good results from what they were doing at home.

Building TreatMyTMJ Based on these observations we developed an easy-to-perform home program that a vast majority of people with TMJ will benefit from. If you are sick of constantly working around your jaw pain, headaches, and facial tension you owe it to yourself to begin today. There is a future in which you can return to eating without fear of pain. Today is the day to begin feeling better. Take control of your TMJ pain today. You do not want to continue with that TMJ any longer than you must, do you? The program is an investment into the most important weapon you have against pain: education in your health. Click HERE to go to our program link and begin your TMJ recovery journey.

Spend time doing things you love with people you care about.

Dr. Josh

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