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Frequently Asked Questions.

Here is a list of our most commonly asked questions, hopefully this helps you find answers to some of your own questions.


If you do not see the answer to what you are looking for feel free to reach out to our chatbox. We will try to respond as quickly as we can. :)


OR visit our TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook Page @treatmytmj. 

How long will I have access to it?

You will have access until you cancel it.


How long is the program?

The Quick and Dirty Minicourse consists of 9 videos that span across a 6 week period. The Masterclass consists of 15+ videos and spans across a 12 week period.


Do I have direct access to Dr. Josh?

No, you may send messages through the website's chat feature, and you may email. However, Dr. Josh is not your doctor and can not treat you directly. This is a self-treatment course, but if you have questions regarding the program you may ask. He just legally can't answer personal treatment questions.


Which program is right for me?

If you are new to TMJD or have mild symptoms, you can do the Minicourse. However, if you have had TMJD long-term and have chronic and severe symptoms, you should do the Masterclass. We will mostly reccommend the Mastrclass since you are getting the most help possible. However, If you are not motivated, you should NOT do the Masterclass, you get what you put into it.


Why does my jaw pop?

Many people can have popping in their jaw that's not problematic at all. However, if it is painful or combined with your jaw locking up, then you should seek a specialist to check it out further. 


What if I grind my teeth often?

For many, grinding one's teeth is a very common issue. It is recommended that you try finding a good mouthguard to wear while sleeping. It is important to do your research on the different types of mouthguards to find which works best for you. 


What about if I am tongue-tied?

Some people with tongue tie go their whole lives without any problems. This program can be used despite a tongue tie. We do recommend that you contact an oral surgeon if you are unable to place your tongue onto the roof of your mouth.


Why does TMJ stress/tightness happen all of a sudden?

There are many factors that contribute to this, as TMJ/D is not just a jaw problem, but instead entails much more. This includes factors such as daily stress, poor posture, mouth breathing, etc. 


Does TMJ affect my neck or shoulders??

Yes, TMJ/D does affect your shoulders as well as your neck. This is because TMJ/D is just as much a spinal and neck disorder as it is a straight jaw joint disorder. Many people suffer from a very large variety of symptoms that are linked to their TMJ/D. TMJ/D is linked to poor posture and placement and leads to issues such as tinnitus of the ears, vertigo, neck pain, headaches, etc. 


Why is there a "crackle" noise in my ears when I do certain things?

Certain motions causing a crackling sound in the ears is something we call "crepitus". It sometimes means that the joint surfaces are rough and causing that wax paper crinkle sound in the ears. 


What symptoms can be caused other than jaw pain?

TMJ disorder causes a wide variety of symptoms. One of the main ones is of course jaw pain and jaw tension. However, this is not where it ends. TMJ/D causes headaches, migraines, neck pain, ear aches, ringing in the ear, vertigo, jaw clicking, congestion, tooth aches, etc. These undesirable symptoms differ for each person and cause a lot of stress and discomfort.

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